Procedure for Obtaining an Academic Assistant

  1. Register with Accessibility and Testing by following appropriate Accessibility and Testing procedures.
  2. Inform disability coordinator of the need for an academic assistant and provide appropriate documentation of disability to validate request for services. All requests must be academic in nature.
  3. Act in a timely manner to advise disability coordinator of specific need for an academic assistant, including times and locations. Provide disability coordinator with list of specific duties requested of the assistant.
  4. Meet candidate for assistant position to discuss specific needs. Provide assistant with list of specific duties approved by disability coordinator and answer any questions or concerns. Confirm assistantship and coordinate schedule with assistant.

    Note: The student and the assistant should find a mutually agreeable meeting place on the UGA Campus.

  5. Immediately report any problems with assistant to Support Services Coordinator or disability coordinator.
  6. Give assistant adequate notice if unable to meet during any of the scheduled times.
  1. Upon receipt of documentation, disability coordinator will staff the request for an academic assistant with other professional staff members in order to obtain approval for the accommodation.
  2. Disability coordinator will work with student on a list of duties deemed suitable for an academic assistant. Disability coordinator will forward student’s request and listing of duties to Support Services Coordinator for assistance in obtaining assistant for the student.
  3. Support Services Coordinator will locate candidate for academic assistant position.
  4. Support Services Coordinator will arrange for an initial meeting between student and academic assistant, and/or disability coordinator.
  5. Accessibility and Testing will consider providing approved auxiliary aid materials upon request of academic assistant.
  6. Disability coordinator and/or Support Services Coordinator will assist the student in resolving any problems that may arise with the assistant.
  1. Complete necessary paperwork for employment and payroll on a timely basis.
  2. Meet with student to discuss duties, compatibility, and coordination of schedules.
  3. Attend all scheduled meetings on UGA Campus with student to carry out assigned duties.
  4. Contact Support Services Coordinator or the student’s disability coordinator with any questions about appropriate duties or requests.
  5. Immediately report to either the Support Services Coordinator or the student’s disability coordinator any problems in providing assistance to student or need for additional auxiliary aid materials.
  6. Give student adequate notice if unable to meet during any of the scheduled times.

Note: An academic assistant is hired to perform tasks such as scribing, real-time reading, real-time notetaking or assisting in performing manual tasks in labs or in conducting research.

Contact Accessibility and Testing

Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm