Contact the DRC

Clark Howell Hall
825 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Sign language interpreters at UGA are professionals that facilitate communication between hearing individuals and Deaf or hard-of hearing students.  Interpreters must be able to listen to another person’s words, inflections and intent and simultaneously render them into a visual language of signs using the mode of communication preferred by the Deaf consumer.  The interpreter also must be able to comprehend the signs, inflections and intent of the Deaf consumer and simultaneously speak them in articulate English.  Interpreting is conducted in a variety of settings such as academic classes, lectures, meetings with faculty and staff and other University-sponsored events. Interpreters have to understand the cultures in which they work and apply that knowledge to promote effective cross-cultural communications.  To this end, UGA interpreters consult with faculty and staff regarding the role of interpreters in the classroom, and to obtain information about the subject and the setting of the course that is to be interpreted.

Interpreter Services, Policies, and Guidelines

It is the Disability Resource Center’s (DRC) intention to respect the Deaf student’s right to autonomy throughout their college career. However, in order to provide interpreter services, students must adhere to the following procedures set forth by the DRC.

In Class Interpreter Service

  1. Register with DRC by following appropriate DRC procedures.
  2. Register for classes during the priority registration period.
  3. Speak with Disability Coordinator concerning which classes require interpreter services.
  4. Provide the DRC Interpreter Coordinator with a copy of class schedule as soon as possible. Failure to do this in a timely manner may affect the provision of services.
  5. Immediately notify the Interpreter Coordinator of any further changes in your schedule. Failure to do this in a timely manner may affect the provision of services
  6. Adhere to the following DRC policies regarding absenteeism and tardiness in interpreted classes.
    • Absence: If for any reason a class will be missed, contact that class’s interpreter or the Interpreter Coordinator as soon as possible.

      If a student is absent from class without notifying either the interpreter or Interpreter Coordinator in advance, it will be assumed that all classes will be missed that day and the student’s interpreter services will be suspended for the day until the Interpreter Coordinator is notified that subsequently scheduled activities will be attended.

      NOTE: The DRC understands that it is the right of any student to miss class. However, the DRC must be informed so interpreter resources can be reallocated.

    • Tardiness: If a student plans to be late to class, he/she must contact the class interpreter and that interpreter will wait the additional time. The interpreter will remain at the class for 20 minutes regardless of the class length. After that time, if no contact has been made by the student, it is assumed that the student is absent and the policy for Absences applies. (See 6A)

      NOTE: The interpreter can not be asked to wait for more than half of the class. After this point the interpreter’s services will be used elsewhere. If there is a special need for an interpreter to wait past this time, contact the Interpreter Coordinator to make arrangements.

  7. Discuss any interpreting related problems or concerns directly with the interpreter for the class. If additional assistance is needed, make an appointment with the Interpreter Coordinator to discuss the situation further.


Out of Class Interpreter Requests

  1. For academic related activities outside of the classroom (tutor sessions, lab work, meetings with instructors, etc.), provide the Interpreter Coordinator with all of the information pertaining to the request.
  2. Requests for interpreter services should be made as early as possible, but must be made at least three (3) days prior to the actual activity. Requests are filled on a “first-come, first-served” basis. If a student is informed that there is no interpreter available at the requested time, the student should contact the Interpreter Coordinator for options including rescheduling the activity or alternative accommodations such as a notetaker or C-Print.
  3. Inform the Interpreter Coordinator immediately if a request for an interpreter has been made for an out of class activity and that activity is canceled or changed in any way (time, location, etc.).
  4. Discuss any interpreting related problems or concerns directly with the interpreter for the assignment. If additional assistance is needed, make an appointment with the Interpreter Coordinator to discuss the situation further.

    NOTE: Priority registration and early notification of Interpreter Requests are imperative for quality service. Last minute requests and schedule changes may make it impossible to provide interpreter services.

  1. Inform students of Interpreter Services offered through DRC.
  2. Make available a copy of the Interpreter Services Procedures.
  3. Provide qualified interpreters for classes and other sponsored events.
  4. Assist with problem resolution if student experiences difficulties with interpreter services.
  5. Interpreters adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct set forth by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID).

Interpreter Requests

Students registered with the DRC requesting an interpreter for an academic related activity outside of class should follow the Interpreter Services, Policies, and Guidelines.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides sign language interpreter services for UGA students who are registered with the DRC and have interpreter services as an approved academic accommodation.  These interpreter services are provided for academic related activities only.  If interpreters are needed for the staff, faculty, or the general public, or if the event is not academic in nature, University departments can hire interpreters through the following agencies. 

Interpretek  –  770-531-0700            

Georgia Interpreting Services Network (GISN)  –  404-521-9100

Absolute Quality Interpreting (AQI)  –  813-785-1214

It is recommended that interpreters be hired as early as possible to ensure their availability.  An access statement can be added to event literature to help facilitate this.  Sample access statements can be seen here.

For more information about each unit’s responsibility for providing equal access, contact UGA’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator,  Janyce Dawkins-