825 South Lumpkin Street, Clark Howell Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(706) 542-8719

Kate Galbraith

Senior Accommodations Coordinator
114 Clark Howell Hall Athens GA 30602 Work Phone: 706-542-8719
Photo of Kate Galbraith

Biographical Info

Kate has worked with UGA’s DRC since June 2022. A native of Georgia, Kate worked in forest science research for several years, obtaining her bachelors degree in Water Resources in 2003, followed by a Masters degree in Forest Resources from UGA in 2007. Kate returned to school to obtain a Masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling in 2012 and has worked directly with people with disabilities since that time. As Intake Coordinator, Kate helps manage student application processing and documentation using University of System of Georgia Documentation guidelines; Kate also maintains a caseload focusing on Deaf/Hard of Hearing students and students with psychiatric disabilities.

Categories: Disability Resource Center